All departments are UKAS accredited medical laboratories Nos. 8543 (Blood Sciences), 8534 (Cellular pathology), 8368 (Microbiology and Virology) and 9028 (Newcastle Genetics Laboratory).
Compliance with the ISO 15189 standard is assessed by UKAS on at least an annual basis and conformance to these standards and ongoing accreditation remains the prime quality objective and provides reassurance to service users of our ongoing commitment to attaining the highest levels of service quality.
Should accreditation be withdrawn or suspended this will be communicated by letter to impacted customers with an established service. Information will also be made available on the laboratory website.
Information on tests outside of scope of accreditation are detailed on our website and/or as a note on test results.
The laboratories comply with all legislative requirements for practice and are assessed appropriately by external bodies such as the Human Tissue Authority (HTA), Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the Home Office for evidence of conformity.
Accreditation Numbers and Scope
Full details of the scope of accreditation for each of the departments can be viewed using the links below:
Microbiology & Virology Services 8368
Newcastle Genetics Laboratory 9028