Account and catalogue
Q – Who is the register, catalogue and log in function for?
A – The register and catalogue pages are for General Practitioner sites who order pathology consumables through the laboratory at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Once registered users will be given an account to access our online consumables catalogue.
Q – Who should register with this website?
A – Only General Practitioner sites who order pathology consumables through the Laboratory at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust need to register. Through registration you will be given an account and password to allow consumables to be ordered via our online catalogue.
Q – How do I register?
A – Please use our registration form.
RegisterQ – I forgot my password. How do I reset it?
A – Please use the forgotten password link on the log in screen, you will be sent an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
Referring samples and specimen to the Laboratory
Q – Do you provide laboratory services for external and non-NHS users?
A – Yes. We undertake laboratory testing for NHS hospitals regionally and nationally, we also provide laboratory services to a wide range of non-NHS organisations. If you wish to refer samples to the Laboratory at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, please contact the Laboratory Business Unit [email protected] to ensure the laboratory has the capacity and capability to support your requirements. Any samples received without prior communication and confirmation of laboratory capacity may not be processed. Please see the below link for our specimen acceptance and terms of business.
Specimen acceptanceQ – Where can I get a request form?
Where we have a request form available for download this can be found in our resources page. Not all services require a request form designed by the Laboratory at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, some service will accept a local request form providing the essential patient information is provided. If you are unsure, please contact the relevant laboratory, contact details can be found on our contact us page.
Q – Does the Laboratory support Labgnostic NPEx connections?
A – Yes, the laboratory at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is currently an Labgnostic NPEx enabled site for blood sciences, serology and virology. NPEx is an electronic ordering system that allows test referrals and results to be sent between NHS pathology laboratories electronically in a few seconds. It is an opt in service available to all NHS pathology labs in the UK and allows a lab to use its lab system (LIMS) to send its test requests to any other lab on the exchange and receive the results back electronically directly into their LIMS via a national hub without the need for further data entry.
If you would like to set up a NPEX connection for testing referred to the laboratory at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust please contact the business unit in the first instance [email protected].
Q – How do I resolve issues with ICE?
Newcastle Laboratories are enabled for ICE order communications with GP practices. The Sunquest ICE system enables electronic pathology requesting and reporting using an integrated link directly from the patient record in the practice clinical system to the laboratory system via a secure NHSNet connection.
Any issues, questions or queries can be raised with the ICE administrator team.