Turnaround times
The quoted turnaround time is from sample receipt in the laboratory, to results authorisation in the Laboratory Information Management system. The times do not include transport of specimen to the laboratory or the administrative process to print and post/email reports. Service users must allow for transport and reporting time when ordering tests.
Clinical background:
This is the measure of concentration of Haemoglobin in a given volume of packed red blood cells. It is a calculated parameter and is determined by dividing the Haemoglobin by the Haematocrit. It is expressed in g/L. This is not reported routinely as it is used by the laboratory as a quality assessment of the FBC sample.
Specimen container paediatric:
Light Pink – EDTA
Specimen container adult:
Purple – EDTA
Minimum volume paediatric:
Minimum volume adult:
Special requirements:
Ensure adequate mixing.
Sample stability:
24 hrs
Transport requirements:
Samples should be transported to lab without delay
Freq analysis:
Add on test:
[email protected] (external)
Quality assurance:
UK NEQAS Haematology
Reference ranges:
The following should be used only as a guide as patient specific age and sex related ranges are available electronically.
Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration 310 to 360g/L
Other info:
As part of a full blood count.