Turnaround times
The quoted turnaround time is from sample receipt in the laboratory, to results authorisation in the Laboratory Information Management system. The times do not include transport of specimen to the laboratory or the administrative process to print and post/email reports. Service users must allow for transport and reporting time when ordering tests.
Clinical background:
Lipoprotein (a) is composed of an LDL‑like particle to which the lipoprotein (a)‑specific apolipoprotein (a) is bonded by a disulfide bridge. Apolipoprotein (a) is highly homologous to plasminogen. Lipoprotein (a) is a cholesterol‑rich lipoprotein which is synthesized in the liver independently of triglycerides and is not subject to the influence of age or diet.Independent prospective risk factor for coronary heart disease.
Specimen container paediatric:
Serum (SST or plain tube)
Specimen container adult:
Serum (SST or plain tube)
Minimum volume paediatric:
0.5 mL
Minimum volume adult:
1 mL
Sample stability:
Unseparated sample: unknown
Separated sample:
7 days at 20 to 25°C,
7 days at 2 to 8°C
Store at -70°C if not analysed within 7 days
Reference ranges :
32-90 nmol/L minor increased cardiovascular risk>90-200 nmol/L moderate increased cardiovascular risk>200-400 nmol/L highly increased increased cardiovascular risk>400 nmol/L very highly increased increased cardiovascular risk.
Other info:
Lithium heparin and EDTA plasma samples are also acceptable.