Turnaround times
The quoted turnaround time is from sample receipt in the laboratory, to results authorisation in the Laboratory Information Management system. The times do not include transport of specimen to the laboratory or the administrative process to print and post/email reports. Service users must allow for transport and reporting time when ordering tests.
Clinical background:
G6PD is an enzyme that protects red blood cells from oxidative damage. Without it they are vunerable to haemolysis. Triggers for damage can include anti-malarial medication and antibiotics. G6PD deficiency can also cause prolonged jaundice in newborns. The gene is on the X Chromosome and so the disorder affects more males than females. Females with one faulty X chromosome can usually produce enough enzyme to avoid symptoms, given an equivocal result on the screening test
Specimen container paediatric:
Purple – EDTA
Specimen container adult:
Purple – EDTA
Minimum volume paediatric:
Minimum volume adult:
Special requirements:
Ensure adequate mixing.
Sample stability:
7 days stored between 2 to 26C
Add on test:
All urgent add ons via telephone must be confirmed via email to the appropriate email address
[email protected] (internal)
[email protected] (external)
Suspected equivocal or deficient cases will have a quantitative assay performed by Kings College Hospital in London.
Reference ranges:
G6PD screen- Not applicable- Results = Normal, Equivocal or Deficient
Quantitative assay completed by Kings College London: 6.6-13.8 IU/g Hb
Other info:
Samples should be sent with FBC for interpretation