Turnaround times
The quoted turnaround time is from sample receipt in the laboratory, to results authorisation in the Laboratory Information Management system. The times do not include transport of specimen to the laboratory or the administrative process to print and post/email reports. Service users must allow for transport and reporting time when ordering tests.
Clinical background:
Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a clinical technique used to biopsy suspicious lumps or masses using a fine gauge needle (20-23). It is used by wards, clinics and theatres (usually for lung biopsy, EBUS, thyroid, pancreatic or lymph node sampling) as well as X-ray and C/T scanning. Briefly the technique involves inserting a needle into the mass, passing the needle through the mass to dislodge cells and then aspirating the cells using negative pressure created by the syringe plunger. Tissue collects in the hub of the needle and is then expelled onto labelled slides and smeared. Often however, if the needle is removed before releasing the plunger of the syringe, cells are expelled in the syringe barrel. It is for this reason that the barrel is washed out using a preservative solution (Cytorich red fixative) which when expelled carries cellular material within it.Immunocytochemistry can be performed on the needle washout to identify type of malignancy and primary site.Special stains can be performed to identify some infections (Gram stain, Acid Fast Bacilli, Grocott for fungal infections).
Specimen container adult:
Slide containers for spread slides5ml white capped tubes/ universal containers containing cytorich red fixative (provided by laboratory).
Minimum volume adult:
One slide and needle rinsings in cytorich red.Rapid On Site Evaluation is an adequacy service provided within the RVI site. This aims to reduce the risk of an inadequate sample and improve on the quality of the report. Contact the laboratory for more details.
Special requirements:
Slides should be air-dried.Check expiry dates on cytorich red preservative.
Sample stability:
Can be stored at room temperature for short periods, or store in refrigerator (2 to 8C)
Transport requirements:
Quality assurance:
NEQAS technical EQA scheme