Turnaround times
The quoted turnaround time is from sample receipt in the laboratory, to results authorisation in the Laboratory Information Management system. The times do not include transport of specimen to the laboratory or the administrative process to print and post/email reports. Service users must allow for transport and reporting time when ordering tests.
Clinical background:
This test is most often performed as an aid to the diagnosis of Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS). This is an inherited abnormality of the red cell membrane, which results in spherical cells, which are more fragile than normal. The resulting intravascular haemolysis leads to chronic haemolytic anaemia.
Specimen container paediatric:
Pink top paediatric EDTA
Specimen container adult:
Purple top EDTA
Minimum volume paediatric:
0.5 mL
Minimum volume adult:
0.5 mL
Sample stability:
24 hours
Transport requirements:
Freq analysis:
As required
Add on test:
Use the contact details below to discuss if an add-on is required.