Turnaround times
The quoted turnaround time is from sample receipt in the laboratory, to results authorisation in the Laboratory Information Management system. The times do not include transport of specimen to the laboratory or the administrative process to print and post/email reports. Service users must allow for transport and reporting time when ordering tests.
Clinical background:
Arterial blood gas testing is done to evaluate lung function by measuring blood pH, oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2); to monitor treatment for lung diseases; to detect an acid-base imbalance in your blood, which may indicate a respiratory, metabolic, or kidney disorder; to evaluate the effectiveness of oxygen therapy. They are used to detect an acid-base imbalance, such as can occur with kidney failure, heart failure, uncontrolled diabetes, severe infections, and drug overdose. An arterial blood sample is usually collected from the radial artery in the wrist, located on the inside of the wrist, below the thumb, where the pulse can be felt.
Specimen container paediatric:
Lithium heparin syringues
Specimen container adult:
Lithium heparin syringues
Minimum volume paediatric:
Full capillary
Minimum volume adult:
1 mL blood
Special requirements:
Samples should not contain air bubbles
Sample stability:
30 minutes
Transport requirements:
Do not send through the air tube system.
Reference ranges:
- 0-28d: 7.18 – 7.51
- 1-5 m: 7.18 – 7.50
- 6-11 m: 7.27 – 7.40
- 12 m+: 7.35 – 7.42
pCO2 (kPa)
- 0 – 2y: 3.5 – 5.5
- 3y+: As adult
- Adult: 4.5 – 6.1
Base Excess (mmol/L)
- 0 – 4w: -10 to -2
- 5w – 2y: -7 to +0.2
- 3y+: As adult
- Adult: -3 to +3
Standard bicarbonate (mmol/L)
- 0 – 2y: 20 – 26
- 3y+: As adult
- Adult: 21 – 25
Actual bicarbonate (mmol/L)
- 0 – 2y: 16 – 24
- 3y+: As adult
- Adult: 21 – 25
pO2 (kPa)
- Adult: 11.0 – 14.4
Oxygen saturation (%)
- Newborn: 85 – 90
- Thereafter: As adult
- Adult: 96 – 97
Other info:
Non-glass capillary tube coated with lyophilised lithium heparin or electrolyte-balanced heparin samples also acceptable