Turnaround times
The quoted turnaround time is from sample receipt in the laboratory, to results authorisation in the Laboratory Information Management system. The times do not include transport of specimen to the laboratory or the administrative process to print and post/email reports. Service users must allow for transport and reporting time when ordering tests.
Clinical background:
Measurement of amino acids in urine is required for the investigation of disorders of renal tubular function such as cystinuria and fanconi syndrome, secondary renal tubular impairment in mitochondrial disease and some specific metabolic disorders such as hypophosphatasia and lysinuric protein intolerance.
Plasma amino acids is the recommended sample type for the investigation of a disorder of amino acid metabolism, for monitoring treatment or for assessment of nutritional state. Urine amino acids analysis is not normally indicated in these cases.
All requests for urine amino acids analysis from NUTH requestors will be reviewed and analysis performed where appropriate supporting clinical information is supplied. It is therefore essential that all requests are accompanied by clinical details.
Specimen container paediatric:
Random urine, no preservative24 hour urine required for urine cystine analysis
Specimen container adult:
Random urine, no preservative24 hour urine required for urine cystine analysis
Minimum volume paediatric:
1 mL urine
Minimum volume adult:
1 mL urine
Transport requirements:
Samples should be sent to the laboratory at ambient temperature and stored frozen in the laboratory.Samples from referral laboratories should be transported frozen.
Available during full access hours
Assayed at least twice weekly
Site of analysis: RVI
Quality assurance:
Results will be interpreted in context of the clinical information and results of other laboratory investigations. It is therefore essential that clinical details are supplied with requests.
Reference ranges:
Age-related reference ranges and interpretation provided on laboratory report.
Factors affecting result:
Urine amino acids analysis is subject to interference from drug metabolites, bacterial contamination and faecal contamination. Quantitation is unreliable when the sample is very dilute (creatinine < 1 mmol/L).