Turnaround times
The quoted turnaround time is from sample receipt in the laboratory, to results authorisation in the Laboratory Information Management system. The times do not include transport of specimen to the laboratory or the administrative process to print and post/email reports. Service users must allow for transport and reporting time when ordering tests.
Clinical background:
Alkaline phosphatases are a group of enzymes which hydrolyse phosphates at an alkaline pH. They are found in bone, liver, kidney, intestinal wall, lactating mammary glands and placenta.
Specimen container paediatric:
Serum (SST or plain tube)
Specimen container adult:
Serum (SST or plain tube)
Minimum volume paediatric:
0.5mL blood
Minimum volume adult:
1mL blood
Special requirements:
Patient should be fasted.
Sample stability:
Unseparated sample: 4 days
Separated sample:
- 7 days at 15-25 deg C
- 7 days at 4 deg C
- 2 months at -20 deg C
Reference ranges:
Up to 14 days | 83 – 248 IU/L |
Up to 1 year | 122 – 469 IU/L |
Up to 10 years | 142 – 335 IU/L |
Up to 13 years | 129 – 417 IU/L |
Up to 15 years | 116 – 468 IU/L |
Up to 17 years | 82 – 331 IU/L |
Up to 18 years | 40 – 250 IU/L |
18 years and over | 30 – 130 IU/L |
Up to 14 days | 83 – 248 IU/L |
Up to 1 year | 122 – 469 IU/L |
Up to 10 years | 142 – 335 IU/L |
Up to 13 years | 129 – 417 IU/L |
Up to 15 years | 57 – 254 IU/L |
Up to 17 years | 50 – 117 IU/L |
17 years and over | 30 – 130 IU/L |
Factors affecting result:
Do not used EDTA or fluoride oxalate tubes
Referenced Document:
Low ALP guidanceOther info:
Lithium heparin plasma sample also acceptable