The Transfusion service at the Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust provides a 24/7 365-day service.
We provide responsive and rapid standard and highly specialised blood components and products to meet the diverse requirements of our patients.
We have a close relationship with our clinical colleagues providing education and competency assessment on a range of transfusion topics.
The Blood Transfusion laboratories are MHRA compliant and are UKAS accredited (No. 8543 against ISO 15189:2022 standards). The laboratories participate in all relevant external Quality Assurance schemes.
Meet the Blood Transfusion team.
Meet the teamOur testing repertoire includes:
- ABO and D grouping
- Antibody screening and identification
- Compatibility testing including serological and electronic issue
- Phenotyping
- Antenatal serology (including anti-D prophylaxis)
- Kleihauer testing
- Isohaemagglutinins
- Cold Agglutinin Test
- Donath Landsteiner Investigation
- Direct Antiglobulin Test (DAT)